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Archive for 2015

Belajar Borland C++

By : Prima Perdana
sebenernya C++ adalah bahasa dasar yang harus dikuasai seorang programer, saya juga baru belajar jadi kalo ada kesalahan harap dimaklumi. langsung aja di baca ya.
1. include

Adalah salah satu pengarah prepocessor directive yang tersedia pada C++.
Preprocessor selalu dijalankan terlebih dahulu pada saat proses kompilasi
terjadi. Bentuk umumnya :

# include <nama_file>

tidak diakhiri dengan tanda semicolon, karena bentuk tersebut bukanlah suatu
bentuk pernyataan, tetapi merupakan prepocessor directive. Baris tersebut
menginstrusikan kepada kompiler untuk menyisipkan file lain dalam hal ini file
yang berakhiran .h (file header) yaitu file yang berisi C++ standard library.

- #include <iostream.h> : diperlukan pada program yang melibatkan objek cout dan cin
- #include <conio.h> : diperlukan bila melibatkan clrscr(), yaitu perintah untuk membersihkan layar dan fungsi getch() untuk menerima sembarang input keyboard dari user.
- #include <iomanip.h> : diperlukan bila melibatkan setw() yang bermanfaat untuk mengatur lebar dari suatu tampilan data.
- #include <math.h> : diperlukan pada program yang menggunkan operasi sqrt() yang bermanfaat untuk operasi matematika kuadrat.

2.Fungsi main ()

Program C++ terdiri dari satu atau lebih fungsi, dan di antara salah
satunya harus ada fungsi main dan hanya boleh ada satu main pada tiap
program C++. Setiap program C++ akan dan pasti akan memulai eksekusi
programnya pada fungsi main ini, meskipun main bukan fungsi yang pertama
ditulis di program.

Melihat bentuk seperti itu dapat kita ambil kesimpulan bahwa batang
tubuh program utama berada didalam fungsi main(). Berarti dalam setiap
pembuatan program utama, maka dapat dipastikan seorang pemrogram
menggunakan minimal sebuah fungsi.

Tanda { dan pada akhir program terdapat tanda }. Tanda { harus ada pada
setiap awal dari sebuah fungsi dan tentu saja harus diakhiri dengan tanda }.
Tanda ini digunakan untuk menunjukkan cakupan(scope) dari sebuah fungsi,
dimana untuk menunjukkan fungsi ini dimulai dan berakhir.

3. Komentar

Komentar tidak pernah dicompile oleh compiler. Dalam C++ terdapat 2
jenis komentar, yaitu:

Jenis 1 : /* Komentar anda diletakkan di dalam ini
Bisa mengapit lebih dari satu baris */
Jenis 2 : // Komentar anda diletakkan disini ( hanya bisa sebaris )

Programmer sering sekali memasukkan komentar di dalam code agar program
lebih mudah dibaca. Komentar juga membantu orang lain untuk membaca dan
mengerti isi dari code. Komentar tidak menyebabkan komputer melakukan suatu
instruksi ketika program dijalankan.

4.Tanda Semicolon
Tanda semicolon “ ; ” digunakan untuk mengakhiri sebuah pernyataan. Setiap pernyataan harus diakhiri dengan sebuah tanda semicolon.

5. Mengenal Input/Output
Pernyataan cout (dibaca C out) merupakan sebuah objek di dalam C++,
yang digunakan untuk mengarahkan data ke dalam standar output (cetak pada
layar). Sedangkan untuk menginputkan data, dapat digunakan cin (dibaca C in).

Berikutnya adalah operator << Operator ini digunakan sebagai penghubung antara stream dengan kalimat. Operator ini disesuaikan denganfungsional dari cout. 
Untuk sementara bayangkan saja operator << sebagai arah dari aliran data. Jadi karena kita ingin mencetak kalimat ke layar, dan yang menghubungkan program kita dengan layar dengan cout, otomatis kita harus mengirimkan kalimat ke cout. Maka operator << digunakan, yang berarti kalimat dialirkan ke arah cout, dan cout akan mencetaknya ke layar.

Sintaks yang digunakan :

cout << daftar_keluaran
cin >> daftar_masukan

endl merupakan suatu fungsi manipulator yang digunakan untuk menyisipkan karakter NewLine atau mengatur pindah baris. Fungsi ini sangat berguna untuk piranti keluaran berupa file di disk. File header yang harus disertakan adalah file header iostream.h 

Fungsi getch() (get character and echo) dipakai untuk membaca sebuah karakter dengan sifat karakter yang dimasukkan tidak perlu diakhiri dengan menekan tombol ENTER, dan karakter yang dimasukan tidak akan ditampilkan
di layar. File header yang harus disertakan adalah conio.h
Quote:nyomot dari blog orang dikit, males nulisnye... Blog yang ane comot
nah, klo ini, murni buatan ane sendiri, ini adalah program sederhana mencari volume balok. maaf kalo ada kesalahan.


void main()

float p,l,t,volume;

cout<<"Mari belajar membuat Program sederhana lewat Borland"<<endl;
cout<<"# Program Volume Balok #"<<endl;
cout<<" "<<endl;
cout<<" "<<endl;
cout<<" "<<endl;
cout<<"Masukkan nilai Panjang ="<<endl;
cout<<"Masukkan nilai Lebar ="<<endl;
cout<<"Masukkan nilai Tinggi ="<<endl;
cout<<"Jadi Volume Balok tersebut adalah "<<volume<<endl;
cout<<" "<<endl;
cout<<" "<<endl;
cout<<" "<<endl;
cout<<"Copyright by B14CKH4WK"<<endl;

sekian dari ane, kurang lebihnya saya mohon maaf.
dan atas perhatianya saya ucapkan banyak banyak terima kasih.

Sumber : http://www.kaskus.co.id/thread/529094eebbf87bf331000009/belajar-membuat-program-dengan-borland-c-episode-1/1

Anime Fall 2015

By : Prima Perdana
Video Game
? eps x 24 mins
The fourth season of Aikatsu! continues on from season 3 with an introduction a brand-new idol unit from Hokkaido.
Kids, Music, School
Ep 1: 25d 23h 33m
? eps x ? mins
The story follows Hibiki Kazaguruma, a sixth grader who meets an amusing little robot named Bureikin while coming home from school one day. Bureikin, a dancer from an alternate-dimension dance world, challenged the dance king for the throne and lost. He has been deprived of Dance Stones (the stones of dance power) and sent to the human world. To restore his power, Bureikin must collect all the Dance Stones scattered around Earth.

Meanwhile, the Dance Stones cause chaos on the human world. To retrieve the Dance Stones, Bureikin fuses with Hibiki and transforms into a Dance Hero.

(Source: ANN)
Ep 1: 26d 2h 33m
? eps x ? mins
Second season of Cardfight!! Vanguard G series.
Action, Game, Shounen
Ep 1: 19d 15h 3m
? eps x ? mins
The story takes place on the planet Gift, where precious crystals called Giftjium are buried in the earth. A young man named Sōgo lives in Garden Indigo, a prosperous mining town. Sougo's hobby is to collect rare crystals. One day, he gets wrapped up in a riot caused by his classmates Kaon, Roman, and Otto, and he loses his way until he finds a lake deep under the ground's mining ruins. There, he meets a mysterious girl with blue hair and red eyes that gaze straight ahead. The story follows the adventure of what happens after this meeting.

(Source: ANN)
Adventure, Fantasy, Mecha
Ep 1: 19d 15h 33m
? eps x ? mins
The stage is set in “another Japan” as a banquet of diverse superhumans unfolds…

In an imaginary "age of gods" about 20 years after the war, Japan has grown and developed by leaps and bounds. What if all the superhumans ever written about in fictional stories existed at the same time? Superhumans who came into existence through different circumstances, and who are special in different ways -- Titans from outer space, lifeforms from a mystical world, phantoms and goblins from ancient times, cyborgs created by scientists, relics that rose out of the ruins of ancient civilizations, and the list goes on. One segment of these superhumans makes no secret of their existence and has gained popularity in society. Others cloak their identities and fight in secrecy.

There are enemies of superhumans as well, organizations that operate in the shadows.

The Japanese government has taken many measures to secure peace and order.

One is the establishment of an organization under the Ministry of Health and Welfare -- the Overpopulation Research Laboratory, a.k.a. the Superhuman Bureau.

Their mission is to identify and approach suerhumans, then oversee and safeguard them. One member of the Superhuman Bureau, Jiro Hitoyoshi, is protagonist of this series.

(Source: Official Site)
Action, Super Power
Ep 1: 22d 16h 3m
? eps x ? mins
The story revolves around Rikka Tachibana, a female second-year high school student who attends Shiko Academy in Shiko Town. She enjoyed her school life while living with her mother Maria, but one day, that balance fell into ruin. The anime is a story of Rikka being loved and being attracted to demons.

(Source: ANN)
Demons, Romance, Shoujo, Supernatural
Ep 1: 8d 17h 3m
? eps x ? mins
The second season of Diabolik Lovers.

Komori Yui is still adapting to the life of living with the sadistic Sakamaki vampire brothers, how will her relationship fare between them throughout the rest of her time in high school?
Harem, School, Shoujo, Vampire
Light Novel
? eps x ? mins
In the previous century, humanity was attacked by an unprecedented disaster... The impact "Invertia." The whole world was destroyed. However, humans acquired a new potential..."The Genestella."

(Source: ANN)
Action, Ecchi, Fantasy, School, Sci-Fi, Shounen
Ep 1: 24d 17h 56m
? eps x ? mins
Producer Masao Maruyama announced at animation studio MAPPA's Otakon panel that the second Garo: Honoo no Kokuin television anime series is slated for this October. Unlike the first Garo anime, this series will be a jidaigeki (period drama) set in the Heian period. It will have a female protagonist.

(Source: ANN)
Action, Demons, Fantasy, Magic, Shounen, Supernatural
Ep 1: 25d 14h 3m
? eps x ? mins
The second season of Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka??

Kokoa is still living and working at cafe Rabbit House. This anime follows her and the friends she has made throughout their time working in the cafe.
Comedy, Slice of Life
Ep 1: 18d 19h 31m
? eps x ? mins
A direct sequel to Haikyuu!! TV anime. 

Junior high school student Shouyou Hinata continues pushing his volleyball club forward, aiming to improve on the results he has achieved so far.
Comedy, Drama, Shounen, Sports
Ep 1: 17d 17h 3m
Light Novel
? eps x ? mins
The science-fiction war action story revolves around Objects — powerful, massive weapons that change the course of warfare — and Elite Object pilots. An odd Elite girl named Milinda meets Quenser, a student who aims to become a Object mechanic, with the soldier-in-training Heivia on a snowy battlefield.

(Source: ANN)
Action, Mecha, Sci-Fi
Ep 1: 21d 15h 33m
? eps x ? mins
A young girl idolizes the world-renowned S-ranked butei Kanzaki H. Aria and plans to follow in her footsteps. However, her test grades her out as only an E-rank! All is not lost, however, as Aria agrees to give her some pointers. Can Aria help this newcomer become a first-rate butei?
Action, Adventure, Comedy
Ep 1: 21d 18h 8m
? eps x ? mins
The spinoff centers on a fun version of the Holy Emperor Souther as he tries to find ways to become friends with Kenshirou, demonstrates his party techniques, and sometimes plays with the Gosha Sei.
Comedy, Seinen
Ep 1: 20d 17h 33m
? eps x ? mins
? eps x ? mins
In modern Japan, where history has strangely overlapped with reality. There, seven "Kings" with great superpowers existed. Along with their clansman to whom they shared their own power with, the kings each formed clans. Order bound by blue, red flames that cause chaos, irregularities that shine in white, and reforms branched off into green. The Kings, each with their own abilities, now...

With "jungle" once again jumping back into action, the fates of the various Kings are brought together.

(Source: ANN, spoilers edited out)
Action, Super Power, Supernatural
Ep 1: 16d 10h 33m
? eps x ? mins
Cocotama are tiny gods born from the thoughts and feelings of objects that people use with great care. The fact that Cocotama wear part of the egg they hatch out of as underwear is proof that they are still apprentices. The Cocotama use a mysterious magic, and they train hard to be of use to humans and to become full gods. They live inside human houses and stealthily move around to help humans find things they have lost, although they make many mistakes.

(Source: ANN)
Kids, Magic
Ep 1: 19d 9h 33m
? eps x ? mins
300 years after a great conflict between Earth and Mars known as the "Calamity War," a woman named Cordelia sets out on a journey to Earth to speak for the independence of the Martian city of Chryse, which is under the control of the Earth government. Escorting her is the private security company CGS members Mikazuki Augus and Orga Itsuka. When a group named Gjallarhorn attacks CGS and Cordelia, Orga sees this as a chance to rebel against CGS and launch a coup. Mikazuki and Orga are thrust into a new conflict. To fend off Gjallarhorn, Mikazuki rides an old mobile suit from the Calamity War, powered by a nuclear reactor, the Gundam Barbatos.

(Source: ANN)
Drama, Mecha, Military, Sci-Fi
Ep 1: 18d 10h 3m
? eps x ? mins
This year's 33rd issue of Kodansha's Weekly Shounen Magazine announced that Seimaru Amagi and Fumiya Sato's Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo R (The File of Young Kindaichi Returns) manga will get a second anime adaptation that will premiere in Japan in October. The magazine will reveal more information about the anime adaptation in future issues.

(Source: ANN)
Mystery, Shounen
Ep 1: 16d 18h 19m
Light Novel
? eps x ? mins
The battle action novel series revolves around Youtarou Hanafusa, a young man who is part of the last remaining order of knights in the 21st century, "Knights of the World." As he fights as the mysterious Knight Lancer, he must hide his identity behind a mask.  

(Source: ANN)
Ep 1: 17d 17h 38m
? eps x ? mins
Season two of Noragami which will adapt the manga's Bishamon arc.
Action, Adventure, Shounen, Supernatural
Ep 1: 19d 17h 38m
? eps x ? mins
The manga revolves around the titular super hero who has trained so hard that his hair has fallen out, and who can overcome any enemy with one punch. However, because he is so strong, he has become bored and frustrated with winning all his battles so easily.

(Source: ANN)
Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi, Seinen, Super Power, Supernatural
Ep 1: 19d 13h 28m
13 eps x ? mins
The story follows Hakone, a hot spring spirit who descended to a spa resort on Earth. However, with her long slumber, she looks like a little girl on the outside. (The "Yousei" in the title is a wordplay on the Japanese words for fairy and a young child.) The high school boy Touya stumbles across her at a hot spring and ends up joining Hakone in retrieving her original powers.

(Source: ANN)
Comedy, Seinen, Super Power
Ep 1: 22d 16h 3m
Light Novel
? eps x ? mins
In a hidden school surrounded by mountains, young ladies of good families are taught everything a high class lady needs to know. They are also completely cut off from the outside world, keeping them sheltered and innocent. However, a problem has come up recently—more and more graduates are failing to cope with the modern world after graduation. To deal with this problem, they've decided to kidnap a male commoner student, and enroll him as a student. They hope that this will be a gentle way to introduce the girls to the outside world.

Kagurazaka Kimito is chosen for this dubious honor, mostly because he seems utterly average. However, the school leaders also seem to have concluded he's a homosexual with a muscle fetish. When Kimito hears that the alternative may be castration (to protect the girls' purity), he eagerly plays along with this misconception. Now he'll just have to survive the attention of many high class young ladies that are completely out of touch with the world!

(Source: MangaHelpers)
Comedy, Ecchi, Harem, Romance, School
Ep 1: 20d 17h 38m
? eps x ? mins
The series follows the characters from the Osomatsu-kun manga after they've become adults.
Ep 1: 25d 14h 33m
12 eps x ? mins
Yuuichirou has reunited with Mikaela at the Shinjuku Battle. But Mikaela was turned into a vampire... To save the "family," and to protect his fellow members, Yuuichirou needed to gain knowledge and power. He searched for ways to bring back vampire to human beings, and at the same time, trained hard working on the Cursed Gear. 

Meanwhile, Kureto calls Guren and tells him a shocking truth. That in one month, the main unit of the vampire will start attacking Tokyo. To get a head start against vampires, Kureto orders Guren to go to Nagoya. The noble extermination mission is about to open fire!

(Source: Official website)
Drama, Shounen, Supernatural, Vampire
Ep 1: 18d 16h 33m
Light Novel
12 eps x ? mins
The anime will cover the "Ougi Formula," "Sodachi Riddle," and "Sodachi Lost" chapters from the first novel, as well as the "Shinobu Mail" chapter from the second novel.
Mystery, Supernatural
? eps x ? mins
Slice of life comedy about pitfalls of Japanese society.
Comedy, Slice of Life
Video Game
? eps x 23 mins
Sequel of Pokemon XY
Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Kids
Ep 1: 18d 15h 33m
Light Novel
? eps x ? mins
The "school sword action" story revolves around Magic Knights, modern magic-users who fight with weapons converted from their souls. Ikki Kurogane goes to a school for these Magic Knights, but he is the "Failed Knight" or "Worst One" who is failing because he has no magical skills. However, one day, he is challenged to a duel by Stella, a foreign princess and the "Number One" student. In this duel, "the loser must be obedient for life."

(Source: ANN)
Action, Fantasy, Romance, School
Ep 1: 22d 17h 3m
Light Novel
? eps x ? mins
The novel series revolves around Shoutarou Tatewaki and Sakurako Kujyou. Shoutarou is a normal high school student with a serious demeanor who likes to show off his girlfriend Sakurako. Sakurako is an extraordinarily beautiful woman in her mid-20s from a rich family who loves "beautiful bones." The two live in the city of Asahikawa in Hokkaido, and they get involved in various incidents regarding bones.

(Source: ANN)
? eps x ? mins
Outrageous misadventures of an almost normal family with a housewife, her husband, and their two kids Yuusuke and Mikan. Wacky humor about this weird family's daily life. (Source: AniDB)
Ep 1: 18d 18h 31m
? eps x ? mins
The school comedy story is set in a junior high school and centers on the original manga's characters such as Eren and Mikasa as they battle with Titans. The spin-off incorporates gags while using Shingeki no Kyojin's story and notable scenes as its basis.
Comedy, Parody, School, Shounen
Ep 1: 24d 18h 13m
Light Novel
? eps x ? mins
The second season of Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha.
Action, Ecchi, Fantasy, Romance, Shounen
Ep 1: 17d 18h 58m
? eps x ? mins
Second season of Soukyuu no Fafner: Exodus.
Drama, Mecha, Sci-Fi
Ep 1: 20d 16h 33m
? eps x ? mins
The story starts when Yuuta Hoshiya enters Ayana Academy, a school focusing on show business activities, specifically music. The academy has a group of the three students with the highest grades in the musical department, and they are known as the Kao Kai (Cherry Blossom Flower Association). This organization stands at the top of the pecking order within the academy.

The shortcut to entering the musical department is to enter the Star Frame class, which is directly taught by the members, and to be recognized by them. Unfortunately, due to their own problems, students Tōru, Kaito, Shou, Shuu, and Yuuta are all struggling to even remain candidates for the musical department. By a stroke of luck, however, the five are spotted by Kao Kai member Ootori, and they pique his interest.

(Source: ANN)
Music, School, Shoujo, Slice of Life
Ep 1: 23d 17h 28m
Light Novel
? eps x ? mins
The story of the original Subete ga F ni Naru novel revolves around Souhei Saikawa, a member of the Saikawa Research Lab. He goes on a vacation held by the lab, and Moe Nishinosono, the daughter of his mentor, joins the group on their vacation despite not being a part of the lab. There, the two end up finding a corpse. The two work together to solve the mysteries of what becomes a serial murder case.

(Source: ANN)
Drama, Mystery, Seinen
Ep 1: 22d 17h 38m
Light Novel
? eps x ? mins
The school action fantasy is set in a world where people with magic powers are close to being wiped out. Just as the balance of power and military might had once shifted from swords to sorcery, it shifts once again to guns. Takeru Kusanagi goes to "AntiMagic Academy," a training facility for Inquisitors of Herectics who crack down on the dwindling threat posed by magic users. However, Takeru cannot use guns at all and can only fight with a sword. As a result, he is relegated to the 35th Test Platoon, the motley "small fry platoon" for poor students. One day, Ouka Outori, the ultra-elite pistol master who already has her qualifications for witch-hunts, joins the platoon.
Action, Ecchi, Fantasy, Harem, Military, School
Ep 1: 18d 17h 33m
Visual Novel
25 eps x ? mins
When I came to, I realized I was standing in the middle of a vast, snowy plain I knew nothing of. I didn't know how I got there. And to add to that, I couldn't remember anything, not even my name. I stood there, dumbfounded at my absurd situation. But then, as if to spite me further, a gigantic monster suddenly appeared, an insect-like creature that began to bear down on me. I tried desperately to run, but it cornered me into a hopeless situation. It was then that the girl appeared. Her name was Kuon. It was this beautiful girl, who bore an animal's ears and tail, who saved my life.

(Source: ANN)
Action, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Ep 1: 25d 16h 3m
? eps x ? mins
Part of the Valkyrie Drive project which will include a console game, a smart phone game and an anime.

The "beautiful girl sexy battle action" anime is set on five artificial islands.

(Source: ANN)
Action, Ecchi, Fantasy
? eps x ? mins
Announced at the "World Trigger Natsu Matsuri 2015." was a new series of the World Trigger television anime that will premiere in October. The new series has the tentative title of Isekai Kara no Toubousha.

The new anime series will depict an original story that was not in Daisuke Ashihara's manga. It will also feature new characters and other elements.
Action, School, Sci-Fi
Ep 1: 16d 18h 49m
? eps x ? mins
Young Black Jack is a prequel to Osamu Tezuka's classic manga series about a brilliant maverick doctor who practices without a license.

(Source: ANN)
Drama, Shounen
Ep 1: 20d 18h 38m
? eps x ? mins
The third season of Yuru Yuri continues following four girls who take over the former room of a tea ceremony club for their own amusement.
Comedy, School, Shoujo Ai, Slice of Life
Summer Leftovers
Ep 12: 2d 16h 33m
26 eps x 24 mins
A new anime in the Aquarion series.
Action, Fantasy, Mecha
Ep 12: 3d 17h 3m
Light Novel
24 eps x 24 mins
The military fantasy series begins when a gate appears in Tokyo's Ginza district sometime in the 21st century. From the gate pours out monsters, knights from middle-age Europe, and other fantasy-like beings, and they kill many of the citizens of Tokyo. This event is known as the Ginza Incident.

The government sends a small group of soldiers from the Japanese Self-Defense Forces (a replacement for Japan's military) to the alternate world beyond the gate. Led by otaku soldier Youji, they find that the villages in the world are being attacked by a dragon. An elf girl who is a survivor from the dragon's rampage joins the group in their travels across the dangerous new world.

(Source: ANN)
Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Military
26 eps x ? mins
The story of the new series will take place in Italy and San Marino.
Action, Adventure, Comedy, Shounen
Ep 12: 3d 14h 33m
26 eps x 24 mins
A new anime adaptation of the manga "Ushio to Tora."
Shounen, Supernatural
TV Short
Ep 1: 19d 2h 48m
? eps x ? mins
Second season of Ameiro Cocoa.
Comedy, Slice of Life
? eps x ? mins
The anime follows five girls who are aiming to become idols as they do different exercise routines such as push-ups, situps, dance, yoga, stretching, tai chi, and more.
? eps x ? mins
The anime will follow Rat, a member of the Zodiac who meets a normal cat at a park one day. Rat comes to love Cat so much that it becomes very eager to get Cat to become a member of the Zodiac. Cat goes with Rat to meet the rest of the 12 members of the Zodiac to ask them to become a member, but, will Cat be able to peacefully become a member of the Zodiac?

(Source: ANN)
Ep 1: 22d 16h 28m
? eps x 5 mins
The original manga follows the daily life of Somera-chan, a wielder of mysterious magical powers, and those around her.

(Source: ANN)
Comedy, Magic, Slice of Life
Ep 1: 17d 15h 33m
? eps x 10 mins
The anime personifies the Hacka Doll app's customization engine as three "Hacka Dolls" — the personal entertainment AI and main navigator Hacka Doll #1, the anime expert Hacka Doll #2, and the knowledgeable otaku Hacka Doll #3.

(Source: ANN)
Ep 1: 18d 1h 50m
? eps x ? mins
The happy daily life of Muco, a not-too-bright Akita dog, and his owner Komatsu-san the glass-blower.
Slice of Life
Ep 1: 17d 15h 33m
? eps x ? mins
Mysterious monsters that appear and attack in present time. The people can only be played with by them in this extreme situation. Why do these monsters appear to attack people...? Sousuke Banba, a scientist, searches for the truth with the keyword "Kagewani" A new feeling of panic suspense animation begins. (Source: MAL News)
Mystery, Supernatural
? eps x ? mins
Season 3 of Ketsuekigata-kun!
Ep 1: 19d 15h 0m
? eps x ? mins
Syuri Komori is a 14-year-old girl, who is so nice that she can not turn down people’s request. She gains amazing abilities while she fulfills people’s request. There are many fun & happy things in her life, since she is an adolescent middle school student after all!

(Source: Crunchyroll)
Comedy, Seinen, Slice of Life
? eps x ? mins
Kowabon, a horror story, will be animated using a technique called rotoscoping. Animators will trace live-action footage frame-by-frame to recreate it as animation.

(Source: MAL News)
? eps x ? mins
The series of "warm and soothing" anime shorts will follow a cat who is suddenly resurrected from the grave, and begins to wander around town. Despite being a zombie, the cat is able to get all the townsfolk to fall in love with it.

(Source: ANN)
? eps x ? mins
An animated flash series of the manga Mini Vanguard.
Comedy, Game
Ep 1: 16d 15h 42m
? eps x ? mins
Third season of Miss Monochrome.
Comedy, Music, Slice of Life
? eps x ? mins
Season 2 of Neko no Dayan.
Ep 1: 22d 11h 18m
? eps x ? mins
The novel's stories center around Aya Tachibana, a sixth-grader who frets and obssesses over friends, family, grades, and more. One day, she joins Tantei Team KZ with four very idiosyncratic boys she met at cram school.

There is the glib and attention-grabbing leader Kazuomi Wakatake, the mysterious "expert of personal relationships" Takakazu Kuroki, the smart and stoic math genius Kazunori Uesugi, and the sweethearted Kazuhiko Kozuka who is good at social matters and science. Aya finds her place among them as the "language expert." Tantei Team KZ gets involved in modern-day cases, and even if they bicker from time to time, they collaborate by pooling each of their talents and skills to solve these cases.

(Source: ANN)
Ep 1: 20d 17h 38m
? eps x ? mins
Sixth season of Teekyuu.

Teekyuu is based on a sports comedy manga of the same name featuring four high school girls who belong to a tennis club. Although the amount of tennis they play is questionable.
Comedy, School, Shounen, Sports
? eps x ? mins
For high schooler Kei—and for at least forty-six others—immortality comes as the nastiest surprise ever.

Sadly for Kei, such a feat doesn't make him a superhero. In the eyes of both the general public and governments, he's a rare specimen who needs to be hunted down and handed over to scientists to be experimented on for life—a demi-human who must die a thousand deaths for the benefit of humanity.

(Source: Vertical)
Adventure, Horror, Mystery, Seinen, Supernatural
1 eps x ? mins
This is one of the movies announced in the August issue of Shonengahosha's Young King Ours magazine. This will be an entirely brand-new work.
Action, Sci-Fi
1 eps x ? mins
Momoko Sakura is an elementary school student often called "Chibi Maruko-chan" due to her young age and small size. She lives together with her parents, her grandparents and her elder sister in a little town. In school, she has many friends with whom she studies and plays together everyday. This is a fun-loving and enjoyable anime that portrays the simple things in life. 

The film will commemorate the 25th anniversary of the television anime's broadcast.
Comedy, Kids, School, Slice of Life
Ep 1: 31d 16h 33m
1 eps x ? mins
"Who will survive…?" 

A crossover film premiering in October featuring a battle between the characters of Cyborg 009 and Devilman.
Action, Sci-Fi, Supernatural
Ep 1: 66d 16h 33m
1 eps x ? mins
The first movie in the new Digimon Adventure series. The sequel series will tell a "new story for all the DigiDestined in the world" and features the characters in their highschool days.
Adventure, Fantasy, Kids, Shounen
Ep 1: 59d 16h 33m
Light Novel
1 eps x 25 mins
An extra episode airing at theatres which depicts the shocking incident that occurs during Celty and Shinra's romantic trip together.
Action, Mystery, Shounen, Supernatural
Ep 1: 66d 16h 33m
1 eps x 120 mins
The theatrical version of the Girls und Panzer TV anime. According to the "The Ibaraki Shimbun" paper, the movie is a direct sequel to the TV anime.
Military, School
Ep 1: 45d 16h 33m
1 eps x ? mins
Part 1, Pumpkin Oukoku no Takaramono, will feature the four Precure girls from Go! Princess Precure trying to rescue a princess who is held captive.

Part 2, Precure to Refi no Wonder Night!, is set in the Night Kingdom lost its daytime, the Precure team fight to take the daytime back alongside the princess Refi.

Part 3, Cure Flora to Itazura Kagami, will be a dialogue-less story featuring Cure Flora and a mischievous ghost in a mirror.

(Source: Crunchyroll)
Fantasy, Kids, Magic
Ep 1: 58d 16h 33m
1 eps x ? mins
The war on terror exploded, literally, the day Sarajevo was destroyed by a homemade nuclear device. The leading democracies have transformed into total surveillance states, and the developing world has drowned under a wave of genocides. The mysterious American John Paul seems to be behind the collapse of the world system, and it’s up to intelligence agent Clavis Shepherd to track John Paul across the wreckage of civilizations and to find the true heart of darkness—a genocidal organ.

(Source: Viz)
Ep 1: 79d 16h 33m
1 eps x ? mins
In the future, utopia has finally been achieved thanks to medical nanotechnology and a powerful ethic of social welfare and mutual consideration. 
This utopia isn't perfect, and three young girls stand up to totalitarian kindness and super-medicine by attempting suicide via starvation. It doesn't work, but one of the girls—Tuan Kirie—grows up to be a member of the World Health Organization. As a crisis threatens the harmony of the new world, Tuan rediscovers another member of her suicide pact, and together they must help save the planet...from itself.

(Source: Viz)
Ep 1: 80d 16h 33m
Light Novel
1 eps x ? mins
An anime adaption of the light novel High☆Speed!.
Drama, School, Slice of Life, Sports
Ep 1: 16d 16h 33m
1 eps x ? mins
The story of The Empire of Corpses takes place in 19th century Europe, and revolves around John Watson. He is scouted by the government to become a secret agent- However, Watson lives in a world where "Frankensteins"- human corpses that are re-purposed with a false soul in order to use them as laborers- are used to improve industrial development.

(Source: ANN)
Ep 1: 73d 16h 33m
1 eps x ? mins
The third movie in a series of Tamayura movies.
Comedy, Slice of Life
1 eps x ? mins
The second Wake Up, Girls! movie.
1 eps x ? mins
The second Youkai watch movie 

When Keita frees Whisper, a ghost-like yōkai, from 190 years of imprisonment, Whisper pledges to protect Keita from supernatural dangers. Whisper also gives Keita a watch that allows Keita to see other yōkai. Together with the twin-tailed cat spirit Jibanyan, they encounter lots of yōkai-related problems and solve them.
Fantasy, Game
OVA / ONA / Special
Ep 1: 99d 16h 33m
3 eps x ? mins
The first episode's story starts with Ai practicing on the gondola with Akari. As they travel through a canal, they meet Aika and Alice. All three have not had much time to meet since becoming Prima undines. Considering even the little time they spend together a "miracle," Akari remembers a certain incident and relates it to Ai.

The second episode's story begins with Ai relating a story to Akari of her experiencing a "miracle" while she was practicing. She saw Cait Sith as she was traveling down an unfamiliar path. When she disembarks from her gondola to follow it, she meets two Single undines from Himeya company and Orange Planet in the middle of practice.

(Source: ANN)
Fantasy, Slice of Life
Ep 1: 17d 16h 33m
1 eps x ? mins
Bundled with the 8th volume of the manga "Big Order."
Action, Shounen, Super Power
5 eps x 5 mins
5 minute short specials included with the Blu-Ray/DVD releases of the TV series.
Comedy, Ecchi, Magic
Visual Novel
1 eps x 10 mins
Included with the second Blu-ray box set for the series, the short adapts "sunny day," an alternate "good" ending to the "Unlimited Blade Works" route from the original Fate/stay night game.

(Source: MAL)
Action, Fantasy, Magic, Shounen, Supernatural
Ep 1: 48d 16h 33m
1 eps x 20 mins
This year's 39th issue of Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump will announce on Monday that Haikyu!! will get an original event anime special at this year's Jump Special Anime Festa tour. In the story, which takes place after the first season, Hinata and Kageyama fail a test and find that the make-up exam conflicts with their training camp.

The event will visit nine cities in Japan from November 3-15.

(Source: ANN)
Comedy, Drama, Shounen, Sports
1 eps x ? mins
Hamaji Youhei, a high school freshman, lives his life aimlessly, lazing around all day. He can't keep up with his studies, no good at sports and won't stick with anything for long. Besides that he's a pervert who's continuously rejected by girls. A sophomore convinces him into joining a club where he could lunge at girls, fondling and touching all he wanted. Thus he joined the Water Polo Club.

Can Youhei, who never sticks with anything for long, find his place in this club?
Comedy, Ecchi, Romance, School, Seinen, Sports
1 eps x ? mins
"A hero" is a job that in the face of danger and adversity or from a position of weakness, display courage and the will for self sacrifice. Would you like to work as such a hero in our company? You may transform, manipulate a huge robot or fight as a squad. Shall we realize your dream in our "Hero Company"?!

(Source: MU)
Comedy, Seinen
7 eps x 2 mins
Blu-ray and DVD specials.
Comedy, Music, School, Seinen, Slice of Life
Ep 1: 33d 16h 33m
1 eps x ? mins
Unaired episode of Himouto! Umaru-chan included with the manga's seventh compiled volume.
Comedy, Slice of Life
Ep 2: 93d 16h 33m
4 eps x ? mins
Four OVA episodes bundled with the 22nd, 23rd, 24th, and 25th volumes of the manga.

The OAD project will have two episodes that will adapt the "past arc," which spans from mid-volume 14 to volume 17 in the manga. The other two OAD episodes will be bundled with limited editions of the manga's upcoming 24th and 25th volumes. These episodes are tentatively titled "Kamisama, Hanayome ni Naru" (The God Becomes a Bride) and "Kamisama, Mukae ni Iku" (I'll Meet Up With the God).
Ep 2: 45d 16h 33m
4 eps x ? mins
The first episode, Aoi Hitomi no Casval, tells the story of Casval Rem Deikun and Artesia Som Deikun (Char and Sayla, before Char became known as the Red Comet) before the One-Year War in UC.0068.

The story for the second episode, Kanashimi no Artesia, moves three years ahead to U.C. 0071. The story will follow the tearful separation of the siblings Casval and Artesia (before they became known as Char and Sayla). It will also feature more of the development of the mobile suits, particularly on the Zeon side.

(Source: ANN)
Action, Mecha, Military, Sci-Fi, Shounen, Space
Ep 1: 99d 16h 33m
1 eps x ? mins
A few weeks after the Winter Cup, the five players of the Generation of Miracles as well as Kuroko have settled back into everyday life. Kuroko recieves and accepts an invitation to gather once again and play another game.
However this clashes with his birthday party that the Seirin High team have been planning!
Comedy, School, Shounen, Sports
7 eps x ? mins
In a future not too distant from ours, Nanagoo City is a beautiful city in Japan surrounded by mountains and ocean-sides. The sensitive, adolescent girls who live there are each opening up doors to their own, unique possibilities. No one wants to forget the path they take to adulthood.

(Source: ANN)
Ep 1: 72d 16h 33m
1 eps x ? mins
Unaired episode bundled with the Makura no Danshi DVD.
Video Game
? eps x 7 mins
An anime adaptation of the Monster Strike mobile game by mixi.
Action, Fantasy, Game
Ep 1: 40d 16h 33m
1 eps x 25 mins
An OVA bundled with the 9th volume of the Nagato Yuki-chan no Shoushitsu manga. 

This spin-off of the Haruhi Suzumiya series takes place in the world of the "Disappearance" arc of the original novels, focusing on the high school life (and romance!) of a tentative and bashful Yuki Nagato.
Ep 4: 40d 16h 33m
4 eps x 27 mins
Bundled with the 14th, 16th, 17th and 21st volumes of the Nisekoi manga.

Vol. 14's OVA adapts chapter 58 "Funshitsu" and chapter 64 "Mikosan."
Vol. 16's OVA adapts chapter 65 "Henbou" and chapter 71 "Oshigoto."
Vol. 17's OVA adapts chapter 81 "Sentou" and chapter 105.5 "Service"
Vol. 21's OVA adapts some of the "Magical Pâtissier" spinoff manga and the "Shinkon" manga bonuses.
Comedy, Harem, School, Shounen
Ep 3: 62d 16h 33m
4 eps x 24 mins
Bundled with the limited editions of the 10th, 11th, 15th and 16th volumes of the manga.

10th volume DVD adapts 5th chapter of the manga.
11th volume DVD adapts the popular cherry blossom-viewing arc.
15th volume DVD is planned to be released on November 17, 2015. It will adapt the Nijikan no Teikei ni So Koto (Following A Stereotypical Two Hours) story from the first volume of the Noragami: Shuuishuu spinoff manga
16th volume DVD will adapt the manga's 41st chapter where the main characters go to "Capyper Land."

(Source: MAL)
Action, Adventure, Comedy, Shounen
Ep 1: 48d 16h 33m
1 eps x ? mins
An original anime screened at Jump Festa 2015 events.
Action, Drama, Shounen, Supernatural, Vampire
Ep 1: 48d 16h 33m
1 eps x ? mins
School, Shounen
Ep 1: 69d 16h 33m
Light Novel
2 eps x 30 mins
The "Dengeki Game Festival 2015 & Dengeki Bunko Spring Festival 2015 & Dengeki Comic Festival 2015" event announced on Sunday that an original video anime (OVA) adaptation of Gakuto Mikumo's Strike the Blood light novel series has been green-lit. The two-part project will debut at the end of 2015 with an original story from Mikumo. The accompanying promotional video features "Fight 4 Real," the television anime's second opening theme song by ALTIMA.

(Source: ANN)
Action, Ecchi, Fantasy, School, Super Power, Vampire
Ep 1: 100d 16h 33m
Light Novel
1 eps x ? mins
The story follows how Shuu Tsukiyama and Chie Hori met.
Drama, Horror, Seinen, Supernatural

Ep 1: 47d 16h 33m
1 eps x ? mins
Unaired episode 11 of the Triage X series bundled with the 12th manga volume.
Action, Ecchi, School, Shounen

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